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Peak Tennis Membership closed, Off-Peak waiting list available
Peak Tennis Membership remains at full capacity with over 300 people on the waiting list. We have therefore had to close the Peak Tennis Waiting List. Similarly, our Off-peak Tennis Membership is now at full capacity but you can join the Off-Peak Tennis waiting list. Off-peak members can play from 8am to 4pm weekdays, from 4pm to 10pm at weekends as well as joining the Sunday Social sessions from 1pm. However, off-peak members cannot play in the internal leagues or club teams or attend the Wednesday evening social session.
To be added to the OFF-PEAK TENNIS MEMBERSHIP waiting list please fill out the form below.
Peak & Off-peak Squash Membership available
All squash memberships are available, both off-peak and peak. This means anyone can join by following the enrollment instructions below.
Enrolment Instructions
If you would like to become a member of Grafton Tennis and Squash Club please fill out the application form on our enrolment page.
Once you have completed the form you will be able to make payment and be granted access to MyCourts, our court booking system.
Non-member bookings
Grafton is a members only club and no pay as you play options are offered.